
Nakhchivan - Aserbaidschan


Capacity: 146.000 PE (60) with 31.484 m3/d

Start-up: 2016/2017

Process: Membrane bioreactor with activated sludge stage


Nakhchivan City is the capital of Nakhchivan which is an Aserbidjanian Exclave (no direct connection to the mainland). Nakhchivan City is located directly north of the river Aras. Nakhchivan nowadays has a total population of around 380.000 Inhabitants. Its climate is known for short but very cold (-30°C) winters and long summers with very high temperatures (40°C).

The new waste water treatment plant is located just 2 km north of the River Aras. It was built by a consortium of BIOWORKS and a local civil contractor. BIOWORKS provided design, supply and commissioning of the electromechanical equipment. The complete treatment plant is located inside closed buildings.

The waste water treatment plant is based on the MBR (Membrane bioreactor) process. Construction started in 2014 and the plant was put into operation end of 2016. As per July 2017, it is running at full capacity.


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